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What Is A Cash Advance?

Need a cash advance for your business? How about expansion capital or some venture capital for a new startup? A merchant cash advance may be the ideal solution. A cash advance provides working capital for small and mid-sized businesses who find it difficult to get business loans or venture capital from banks or leasing companies.

A business cash advance, known also as a merchant cash advance, allows you to receive cash in exchange for the purchase of a small portion of your future Visa and MasterCard receipts....or checks as well.

Once approved, your cash advance will be deposited into your business checking account giving you immediate access to needed funds.

If traditional bank loans are not an option then a business cash advance may be the perfect alternative for you.

Interested? Want to learn more? Contact us or call 888-410-5358 today to see how a merchant cash advance loan might help you grow your business and reach and exceed your goals.