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Merchant Cash Advance

How To Turn Tomorrow's Receipts Into Cash Today

Need working capital but don't want to deal with the time, hassles and qualification criteria associated with traditional small business loans? Merchant cash advances could be the answer.

Merchant cash advances are not loans, but small business cash advances that you can spend on whatever is best for your business. These quick and easy loan alternatives require no collateral, no application fees or closing costs and simple paperwork.

When you apply for a small business cash advance you receive an upfront cash payment against credit cards and all other forms of future electronic processing. Most businesses qualify and you typically can receive your cash in as fast as five days.

Who Should Apply for a Small Business Cash Advance?

If your business is in good shape but just having some cash flow issues; or if you need "opportunity capital," then you should explore merchant cash advance loans. These small business cash advances have traditionally been offered to only those merchants who process credit cards; that has changed. Doctors, lawyers, dentists, service companies, franchisors/franchisees and other professionals can now all receive cash advance funding, without a personal guarantee, subject to fraud.

Merchant cash advances offer a fast and flexible way for business owners to get the cash they need to run their company. There are no checks to write, no maturity dates, no prepayment penalties and none of the paperwork a bank would require to close a business loan.

Interested? Want to learn more? Contact us or call 888-410-5358 today to see how a merchant cash advance loan might help you grow your business and reach and exceed your goals.