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How To Get A Cash Advance

Getting a merchant cash advance is easy. It is a smart small business loan alternative and requires:

  • No lengthy paperwork
  • No application fees
  • No personal guarantee or asset collateral
  • No hidden fees or closing costs
  • No appraisals

To get a cash advance loan, all you have to do is:

  • Apply, typically online
  • Wait for approval which usually takes less than 48 hours
  • Have your money wired directly to your operating bank account

What is needed for a cash advance?

Basic qualifications for a cash advance loan are:

  • You must have been in business at least four months
  • Your business must have a physical location
  • You must have at least one year left on your lease

It's that simple! The repayment process is too. Every day a fixed percentage of your electronic processing sales receipts is deducted from your account until the pre-determined payback amount is satisfied. There are no maturity dates, no checks to write and no fixed monthly payments.
Interested? Want to learn more? Contact us or call 888-410-5358 today to see how a merchant cash advance loan might help you grow your business and reach and exceed your goals.